Since its inception, FUNDASUR has carried out linkage activities between the different sectors that make up the Innovation System: the Scientific and Technological System, the Productive Sector and the Public Sector. These links, in general, lead to the formulation of projects, many of them with an impact on regional development.
FUNDASUR is recognized as UVT (Technological Linkage Unit), within the framework of Law 23,877 on “Promotion and Encouragement of Technological Innovation”, through Resolution No. 105/94 of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation (currently MinCyT). The institution acts as a UVT by itself or, as appropriate, on behalf of Institutes, Researchers or Executing Units in general, belonging to CONICET, an organization that has designated FUNDASUR as one of its linking units (Res. No. 803/2000).
FUNDASUR stands out as UVT for its administrative, management and development capacity for services and/or tools. With its consolidated work methodology, it facilitates the linking activities that involve researchers from the CCT CONICET BB and the National University of the South (UNS), with the private sector, with public organizations or the scientific sector itself that require technical assistance, analysis and / or developments. This intense bonding activity has led to its location among the most recognized.
FUNDASUR participates in different stages of gestation of research and development projects, distinguishing itself in its actions by the contribution of its professional capabilities beyond the mere administrative activity. Thus, it is always aware of the latest developments in lines and funds, from the different financing entities.
In addition, it provides technical assistance to SMEs, research institutes and government agencies to obtain national and international financing for investment projects, working capital, technological developments, acquisition of equipment and infrastructure (credits, subsidies ANR, ASETUR, ESPRO, DETEM, IMPACT.AR, FITBA). In the cultural field, FUNDASUR prepares and presents projects for the National Fund for the Arts, for the World Bank, the IDB or International Cooperation Projects. For entrepreneurs, formulate projects for PACC Entrepreneurs, Seed Capital, etc.
The relationship with the local and regional socio-productive sector is for FUNDASUR a primary activity. The Foundation works in two well-differentiated fields of action: on the one hand, works in the territory with SMEs that require a more oriented and accompanying work; and on the other, the large companies of the Industrial Hub.
Other activities to support regional development are aimed at supporting projects with an impact on the community. Thus, FUNDASUR participates in work meetings, advises and assists during the different stages included in the management of a project, seeking the participation of different actors in society and thus generating interdisciplinary work (for example: ESPRO, ASETUR, ARSET, CENTEC, IMPACT.AR, CITES, PITES).
In particular, productive social impact projects involve a large management component with the public sector (mayors, agencies and institutions), exceeding the simple relationship with the company.